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How to Protect Your Small Business from Cyber Threats

  Risk management is a key component in any successful business plan. In today's world — where data breaches are common occurrences — it's especially important for business owners to understand the digital risks they face. Are you doing all you can to mitigate the risk of a cyberattack? The importance of cybersecurity Many small-business owners may think their organizations hold little appeal to hackers due to their small size and limited scope. However, according
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Workers' Compensation Insurance

What Employers Need to Know about Workers' Compensation Insurance All states and the District of Columbia have workers' compensation laws designed to protect employed individuals who get sick, injured, or killed on the job. Employers pay the cost of workers' compensation by purchasing private insurance or state-sponsored insurance, or sometimes by self-insuring. Each state has its own workers' compensation system, so the rules vary. As a business owner, you should know the follo
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Home Security System May Help Decrease Homeowners Insurance

  Can I save money on my homeowners insurance premium if I install a home security system? Question: Can I save money on my homeowners insurance premium if I install a home security system? Answer: Yes. Most home insurers offer discounts to policyowners who protect their homes with an alarm or other security system. Home security discounts can range between 5 and 20 percent. The size of this discount varies from insurer to insurer and is based on the complexity of the system you choose
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Auto Insurance and Coverage of Other Vehicles

  What is it?   You own a car, and you have a personal auto policy (PAP). You have recently acquired an additional vehicle and would like to have it covered under your auto policy. Your existing PAP can be used to insure many types of vehicles. Some new vehicles are automatically protected when you purchase them, whereas others require a written change in your PAP in order to cover them. Standard passenger vehicles   Providing coverage for most new passenger vehicles is as e
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